HSR Southern Cross recognizes and is bound by The Anti-Discrimination Act (1977) outlawed discrimination based on race, sex, martial status, sexual preferences, physical and or intellectual impairment in employment and in the provision of goods and services. HSR Southern Cross will implement and monitor policies and procedures to ensure compliance, cooperation and support amongst staff and employees.

HSR Southern Cross is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity, fair and reasonable treatment and zero tolerance towards all types of discrimination for all existing and future staff and employees.

HSR Southern Cross will through its EEO Management Plan, ensure any discriminatory practices are identified and removed from its work place, policies and procedures and will recognize and encourage employees on the basis of their suitability, aptitudes, abilities, qualifications, and skills, through the implementation and monitoring of effective Human Resources Policies and procedures.

Employment practices, including but not limited to, training, recruitment, promotion, transfer, etc, will be based on the merits of the individual against the company’s specific job requirements. Existing and future employees will not be discriminated against in their employment on the grounds of race, colour, nation of origin, sex, gender, religion, martial status, age, intellectual impairment, political convictions and sexual preferences.

Martyn Cross
Managing Director

EEO Policy and Procedures

1. Objective

Through the implementation of this policy HSR seek to achieve the following outcomes:
a. Identify and eliminate discrimination in employment based on race, sex, marital status, age, sexual preference, gender, physical impairment and intellectual impairment.
b. The promotion of equal employment opportunities for groups identified as at risk of discrimination in the workplace, including but not limited to;
i) Women
ii) People with Non-English-speaking backgrounds
iii) People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait
iv) People with physical and intellectual impairments.
v) Members of racial minority groups

2. Background

HSR is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity, fair and reasonable treatment and zero tolerance discrimination for all existing and future employees.

In September 2004, HSR formally adopted a company handbook. This handbook is made available to existing staff, contractors and potential future staff. The HSR company handbook outlines policies, procedures, safeguards and disciplinary responses to breeches of such items as;

i) Whistle-Blower protections
ii) Privacy
iii) Equal Opportunities and anti-discrimination
iv) Bullying and Harassment
v) Disciplinary responses
vi) Safeguards

3. Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is the right to be considered for employment, training or other benefits, for which a person is skilled or qualified. HSR believes the implementation and adherence to our EEO policy and program will create a more productive and inclusive workplace and will result in better outcomes for the business and its customers.

The principle of Equal Employment Opportunity ensures that all employees and potential employees are treated equitably and fairly, irrespectively of their race, religion, sex, gender, marital status, age, physical or intellectual impairment or sexual preferences.

Decisions about staff selection must be made on job related criteria and should not render HSR as the responsible employer to charges of unlawful discrimination. In practical terms, our commitment to EEO means that staff selections and promotions must be accurate, fair, accountable, objectively reasonable, systematic and based solely on merit.

Staff are directed and obliged to follow non-discriminatory practice and maintain a workplace free of discrimination, with respect to HSR being the responsible employer, which is legally accountable for discrimination in employment matters.

4. Definitions

In order to facilitate staff understanding and awareness of EEO practices and principles, the following definitions are provided:

i) Direct Discrimination, where people or groups are treated differently based on different criteria being applied or considered, when it is unnecessary or unreasonable to apply such criteria
ii) Indirect Discrimination, is present when rules, regulations or practices assume everyone is the same, have the same opportunities, and can meet the same “normal” criteria. These rules and practices are discriminatory in effect, as they exclude people with suitable skills who don’t meet the apparently fair rules or practices. eg. Height requirements for certain jobs, absence of female toilets at certain worksites, access to buildings by wheelchairs.
iii) Systemic Discrimination, rules or practices which result in different or inconsistent patterns of access to jobs and different or inconsistent access to benefits or services.
iv) Merit, the practice of assessing an individual person’s skills and abilities against the requirements of the job, thereby disregarding unlawful personal characteristics which are irrelevant to the job. Merit recognizes experience gained inside and outside the confines of formal employment.
v) Equal Employment Opportunities is the principle that ensures existing and future employees are treated equitably and fairly, regardless of their race, sex, gender, religion, marital status, age, physical or intellectual impairment or sexual preferences.
vi) EEO groups, the following groups have been identified as being at risk of high levels of discrimination and disadvantage in the workplace. For whom these groups have strategies developed to identify and address disadvantages.
vii) Sex Discrimination refers to unfavorable or objectively unreasonable treatment on the grounds of a person’s sex / gender including any characteristic of a person’s sex. Including marital status and pregnancy.
viii) Race Discrimination is defined as less favorable or objectively unreasonable treatment on the basis off a person’s race, or characteristics of their race.
ix) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander is a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as Aboriginal or Islander and is accepted as such by the Aboriginal or Islander community.
x) Non-English-Speaking Background (NESB), defines people who are born in a country where English is not the main language spoken, or people born in Australia with one or both parents NESB
xi) Physical Impairment, is defined as any defect or disturbance in the structure or functioning of a person’s body.
xii) Intellectual Impairment, is any defect or disturbance of the functioning of a persons brain. This may result in learning difficulties.
xiii) Psychiatric Impairment, is any condition which impairs a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement, or which results in disturbed behavior.
xiv) Physical, Intellectual or Psychiatric Impairment Discrimination, this occurs when someone is treated less favorably than another person in the same or similar circumstances, because of the impairment.
xv) Sexual Discrimination, if a person is treated less favorably or objectively unreasonably than others on the grounds of their sexuality or sexual identity.
xvi) Harassment, any unwelcome, offensive gesture or comment, or action concerning a person’s race, colour, language, accent, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, pregnancy, disability, political or religious conviction. Including behavior towards another person that is intimidating or embarrassing and adversely affects their work environment.
xvii) Policy Breaches, HSR will not tolerate any breaches of the EEO policy or procedures. Failure to comply with the policy is a serious matter and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination and referral to Anti-Discrimination Board and or Safe Work NSW.

EEO Management Plan


HSR management and staff are committed to identifying and prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. We seek at actively provide affirmative action to eliminate barriers which exclude EEO groups from equal opportunities.
Action Plan

• Develop strategies aimed at raising staff awareness to HSR’ EEO policies and procedures
• Develop training initiatives to communicate policies and procedures to HSR staff and contractors
• Establish and maintain a culture of constant identification of best practice regarding EEO policy and procedure
• Encourage diverse discourse between staff relating to the developmental improvement of EEO policy and procedure
• Establish regular reviews of EEO policy and procedures, including recruitment techniques, selection criteria, training, and staff development programs.
• Implement goals and targets to measure the success of the plan in achieving its objectives.
• Review and examine new policies and procedures to ensure they comply with EEO objectives and are nondiscriminatory.


• HSR’ policy will be placed on workplace notice boards and directly circulated and communicated at toolbox meetings to staff
• HSR’ management will ensure a diverse representation is present on the Consultative Committee
• EEO awareness training will be incorporated into staff inductions, toolbox meetings, and recruitment processes internally and with external recruitment providers
• A Consultative Committee will be established, they will be tasked with development of strategies, guidelines and best practice standards in relation to EEO
• HSR’ will take steps to promote EEO participation in all workplace committees
• HSR’ Human Resources dept will be given training on staff selection, interview techniques and reporting
• EEO responsibilities and accountabilities are to be included in all management and supervisory positions with HSR
• EEO policy is to be reviewed annually


1. Staff

All staff are responsible for complying with the EEO principles outlined in the EEO policy and Management Plan. All staff have the right to seek advice from the Anti-Discrimination Board.

2. Managers / Supervisors/ Forepersons

Mangers, supervisors and forepersons are responsible for ensuring that the principles outlined in the EEO policy and Management Plan are upheld by the staff for whom they are responsible.
Managers and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring equality of employment opportunity is extended to all staff and contractors and that no unlawful discrimination is present or occurs in employment practices.

3. Human Resources

The Human Resources will:

  • Collaboratively work with management and the consultative committee to develop and implement the EEO policy and Plan including guidelines and best practice standards
  • Research and record EEO matter and ensure management is informed of developments
  • Provide statistical and other human resources information to allow HSR to develop and monitor the EEO plan
  • Integrate the EEO policy into human resource management practices and programs
  • Provide advice on grievance handling procedures
  • Ensure that objectives and requirements of Disability Service Standards are implemented and reviewed on a regular basis.

4. General Manager

The General Manager will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring HSR’ EEO policy and Plan is implemented within the business
  • Ensuring all staff and contractors comply with the EEO policies and Plan
  • Ensuring management audits of the EEO program are undertaken on a regular basis to ensure that the EEO policies and programs continue to meet their objectives.